Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Studio Three Book Club By-Laws

As founding member of the book club I (Lynn Caldeiro) am laying out a rough draft of ideas of how the club works.

The goal is to read and discuss 6 books per year (bi-monthly).

As the club grows we should leave room for the bylaws to grow with the number of members. As the founding member I will extend an invitation to 3 people, who are will be considered "Founding Members." Each "Founding Member is encouraged to invite one guest each to the first meeting, and can subsequently invite any more guests as the group grows. This will build a foundation of  both seniority, and rank which will be affected by things like attendance and the weight of their say in decision making. In other words, founding members should be the foundation of the membership. Guests are welcome but no seniority is bestowed. Once a guest has attended three meetings in a row they can be added as a Founding Member and with that be included in book selection etc. if they so choose.

A list will be kept on this blog of the membership and whatnot.  We will vote regarding leadership roles, what those roles are and who will fill them.

Currently leadership roles includes hosting, book selection and coordinating pot luck/ snacks and libations. After the first meeting these bylaws will likely be amended.

Roles we will need filled for each meeting:

  • Book Czar: We will pass a bowl around with book suggestions and the book Czar will choose the next book), The czar will also have "study" or "group questions" prepared for the meeting so we have a discussion topic outline to guide us as the meeting unfolds. The czar will also host the meeting (can sub this out if necessary)
  • Secretary: Keep track of the books we are reading and what months etc. and meeting attendance.
  • Social Media Wiz: Posts photos and info on our social media sites (Facebook page, Instagram page etc)

Book Selection:
I don't think this needs to be overthunk 😉 . The next czar picks the book, either out of a bowl or just choosing a book they want.  Though we should vote (leaders) on a cap on number of pages. I think a 500 page limit is reasonable.

If anyone hasn't or doesn't want to discuss the book then they should show up to the meeting 40 minutes later than start time just for the socializing and food. That way nobody HAS to read what they don't want.

Over time we will see what types of books get the most readership and the czar/host will be able to factor that into their choices. We could even do fun things like the host with the most (food, book attendees, whatever) can get a silly gift at a special end-of-term meeting. That way we can all be motivated to be competitive on getting the most people to participate 😊

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